Spiraling Down to Go Up for SUNDIAL IN THE SHADOW readers

Spiraling Down to Go Up for SUNDIAL IN THE SHADOW readers. These are the cites of Spiraling Down to Go Up in SUNDIAL IN THE SHADOW book.  The next is the specific information about Spiraling Down to Go Up cited in Episodes 11, 14 & 16 of the book Sundial in the Shadow. This is optional information for Sundial readers. 1. Death Cackling. 2. Therapeutic […]

Upcoming book: Sundial in the Shadow. Episode 10. Overcoming fear to darkness

Upcoming book: Sundial in the Shadow. Episode 10. Overcoming fear to darkness. Another night she met Dick, a Vietnam veteran who lived in the park. Since she was peaceful, she ran into peaceful people. That’s why she couldn’t be afraid of him. In fact, he became somehow her guardian, her human mentor when she was only hanging out with God and […]

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